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The Hans flee southward in great numbers with the uprising of war everywhere. However, all of a sudden the tribes of the north invade, causing an exodus to the south.

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The dilemma and distress of starting everything from scratch becomes the greatest trial of his life.Īs the imperial state exam approaches, You Miao enters the imperial capital for his tests. Yet with rapid changes in family circumstances, the once little young master now only has his deceased mother’s barren estate and a loyal Quanrong sIave left. ~A line from Shorthand Tablature of Magnolia Blossoms by Zhu DunruĪt sixteen years of age, You Miao lived a life of luxury. Ten thousand miles of easterly winds the country is broken, the mountains and rivers reflect only red.”.

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Action Adventure Drama Historical Mature Romance Slice of Life Smut Yaoi“At the end of the song the man is drunk, so much like the tears by Poyang River.

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