All vintage gay movies

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They didn’t call him Hitchcock for nothing. While most films from the pre-Stonewall era only ever allude to gay life with a wink and nod, this thriller centers on two young men who strangle their classmate and stash his body in their apartment – before having the perfect dinner party. But they are all in some way groundbreaking for their time period and considered in sequence they provide a record of mainstream culture’s changing attitudes towards gay men.įeeling nostalgic? Can’t get enough body hair? Want to experience the celluloid life pre-Stonewall? Here’s our guide to some of the most notable (and gayest) old-school flicks from before the millennium. In fact, some are downright offensive by today’s standards.

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Just as your favorite TV series may be getting ready to take the summer off – or get canceled (goodbye, The New Normal) – entertainment buffs needn’t look too far to find a wealth of memorable gay movies that are well worth watching again and again. Cruising stars Al Pacino as a leather-clad undercover cop… who’s not a member of the Village People

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